From: nlpine [] Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 9:24 PM To: Subject: S7-19-03 I am writing in regard to your proposed rule regarding Security Holder Director Nominations. For large companies to claim that this proposed ruling somehow destroys company control, or will allow a single shareholder to disrupt proceedings is nonsense. The vast majority of company stock is usually in the hands of large banking corporations, or else in the hands of friendly stockholders. All this ruling does is allow small shareholders to recognize what other powers are at war within the corporation; if anything, it allows people access to more information regarding the company they have invested in. Access to information. That's what the proposed rule is about. And the next time Enron, or World-Com, or Tyco, or Adelphia, or any of the other companies tell you that letting the stockholders know the truth will lead to the downfall of the capitalist system (or whatever claim they're making now), you can assure them that a knowledgeable stockholder is a better stockholder. I hope you will decide in favor of this proposed rule. Thank you. Nancy L. Pine.