From: Pam McArthur [Pmcarthu@MSRS.ORG] Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2003 5:13 PM To: Subject: S7-19-03 Comments VIA EMAIL HARD COPY TO FOLLOW November 25, 2003 Jonathan G. Katz Secretary U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission 450 Fifth Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20549-0609 Re: File No. S7-19-03 Corporate Board Nomination Reforms Dear Mr. Katz: As Executive Director of the Maine State Retirement System, as a representative of the over 165,000 members and retirees who are the beneficial owners of the System's investments, and as an individual owning securities in my own right, I am writing to protest the inadequacy of the above-referenced proposed SEC rule. The SEC's stated goal for the rule is to provide shareholders with less onerous and more effective ways to nominate corporate directors. The goal is excellent, in fact, essential. The rule as proposed barely moves toward that goal. A share-ownership requirement, perhaps with a required holding period, should be the only hurdle to the ability of shareholders to put a director or directors on the ballot. The Commission must reconsider its thinking and proposal on this issue, and more quickly toward its own goal. Yours truly, Kay R.H. Evans Executive Director KRHE/nlp cc: David S. Wakelin, Chair, Board of Trustees Members, Board of Trustees