S7-19-03:From: Stevens Robling [SRobling@LIATIGroup.com] Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 2:49 PM To: 'rule-comments@sec.gov' Subject: S7-19-03: Steve Robling Managing Director LIATI Group LLC 17 State Street 3rd Floor New York, NY 10004 P 212.269.0003 F 212.269.0009 srobling@liatigroup.com As a former corporate governance consultant to CalPERS, and a member of the Audit committee of the board of a public company, I wanted to express my support for S7 19 03. The scandals of recent years such as Tyco Worldcom and Enron would probably not have occurred if qualified indenendent directors such as those that would be appointed by the shareholders themselves, had been in place on the boards of those companies. by failing to support S7 19 03, the SEC is inviting more such malfesance, to the detriment of the stockholders that the commission is responsible to protect. It is also giving a blind eye to corporate cronyism that is a disgrace to the free enterprise system. With the mutual fund scandal, the SEC let the horse leave the barn before it acted. The Commission should avoid another blunder, and do whatever it takes to facilitate the appointment of independent directors by stockholders.