From: Wemhoff, Kenneth [] Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 2:25 PM To: '' Subject: (s7-19-03) Investor Nominees for Board of Director Openings Open letter to the SEC: I see with delight that the SEC has a proposal on the table to allow investor nominees for board of director on the proxy ballot. It is truly amazing to me that the good old boy situations on so many corporate boards continues in this day of supposed fairness and openness. How corporate governance could have gotten so "inbred" says a lot about the public's suspicion and contempt for corporate America. Boards represent the Owners, me and thousands of other individuals who have invested hard earned money in companies of our choice. While we have the choice to invest, we don't have the same choice to elect those that would oversee our investment. Corporate America, under the "guidance" of the SEC needs to make Board elections fair and open to the investors. While this initiative is a small step, perhaps it's the first step of many to open board nominations and ultimately make boards more accountable to owner/investors. We, as investors, deserve nothing less from the SEC and corporate America. Respectfully, Ken Wemhoff Email: