From: Thomas, Ken [] Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 6:07 PM To: Subject: S7-19-03: As both a Board member of a large institutional pension fund and an individual investor, I urge the SEC to support greater democratic process in the election of corporate directors, and to support investors' rights to nominate legitimate candidates for these boards through the company's proxy statement. What we currently have in place in no way resembles an open, democratic election of directors, and the addition of "triggers" make it even less so! Few investors would choose to use their right to nominate an individual unless they felt a board member and/or executives were grossly mismanaging a corporation, and then having to clear a hurdle of gaining more support for an investor candidate than one proposed by the administration. I encourage the Commission to adopt rules that are responsive to permitting a greater freedom and openness to this process, without undue triggers. Only then can shareholders effectively hold individual board members accountable for their actions and we get back in equilibrium with the structure of corporate governance. Sincerely, Ken Thomas