From: Karl Kelcec [] Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 7:24 PM To: Subject: S7-19-03 I strongly encourage the SEC to allow investor nominees for boards of the directors on the proxy ballot. It will be a starting point for investors to use to keep board member honest and accountable for what they do with the companies the shareholders buy into. Currently, incumbent board members control the process. Only one candidate per position is allowed and even if 99.99% of the share holders vote not on the individual, they can get the position with just .01% Another problem: though investors can nominate someone, they are not included on the officially ballot. That person would have to create their own ballot at their cost and then distribute them to all the shareholders. With recent corporate scandals such as ENRON and Adelphia, it is clear that the majority of board rooms across American have little or no interest in protecting the interest of its investors. I urge you to allow this simple measure and ignore the anti-investor rhetoric from board members who have little or no regard for the shareholders. Thank you Karl Kelcec "Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go." -- Oscar Wilde