From: Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 10:55 PM To: Subject: Many Thanks To whom it may concern: I recently learned that the SEC has proposed reforms regarding the nominations of board members for publicly-owned corporations. I applaud the commission for taking this step toward bringing about a more trustworthy election environment in Corporate America. As a commission that works toward promoting the integrity of large businesses in our country, it is imperative that the commission listen closely to the citizen-shareholders who have the most at risk here. As shareholders, we all deserve some share-dependent control over how the corporations we own pieces of are governed. Currently, the nomination system in place supports an anti-democratic environment because the votes of shareholders are so easily ignored by the board members currently sitting in those corporations. You have probably heard of how board members can re-nominate themselves or nominate their friends to take empty seats. Such practices are unacceptable because of the way they can so easily ignore the views of the very people who own the company. I implore those of you at the SEC who are listening us tax-paying shareholders to seek more sweeping changes in the way that our corporations are governed. Although there are certainly a great deal of vocal chairpersons in those corporations who are benefiting from the current conditions, it is vital that conditions make a transition towards greater accountability and justice. There is an even greater number of Americans who depend upon the SEC to guide our corporations towards a better position than they are in now. Please, do not let down current and future shareholders by holding back on this issue. Your attention and action are greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Mr. Jonathan Clermont