From: Erica George [] Sent: Monday, December 22, 2003 5:52 PM To: Subject: File No. S7-10-03 - Comment To: The SEC From: Erica L. George Re: Proposed Rules for Shareholder Director Nominations, File No. S7-19-03 Date: December 22, 2003 This letter is submitted as a comment on the SEC's proposed rules changes for corporate director elections. I am writing to urge the SEC to broaden shareholder access to the ballot and to minimize the hoops through which independent director candidates must jump in order to campaign against an incumbent board. I don't own any stock. I can't afford to own any amount of stock worth bothering with. But my life is still inextricably affected by the rules that govern corporations and their behavior. My only vote may be with my purchasing dollar, but it is on behalf of ordinary people like me that improvements in corporate governance are necessary. Members of my family and friends work for publicly traded companies - companies whose shareholder owners should have a meaningful say in how they are governed. If corporate directors are not held accountable to their shareholders, then they are accountable to none but themselves and their own interests. Currently, shareholders who disapprove of the actions of a company's board have very little meaningful recourse - even large institutional investors. Small shareholders consider themselves utterly powerless to express dissent. Why exercise a vote when even a vote of no confidence is meaningless, and can be ignored without serious consequence? As the Enron and other recent scandals have proven, our whole society is affected by poor corporate governance practices. The safeguards we have in place to ensure that corporate directors act to benefit their company as a whole, rather than themselves as individuals, should be a strong SEC and strong shareholder democracy. Towards those ends, the current proposal is a solid step in the right direction. I strongly urge the SEC to adopt a system that allows shareholders significant increased access to the ballot. Thank you, Erica George 7 Simpson Ave. #2 Somerville, MA 02144 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Do you Yahoo!? Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard