S7-19-03From: Carrell Killebrew [ckillebr@ati.com] Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2003 7:31 PM To: 'rule-comments@sec.gov' Subject: S7-19-03 The proposed ruling does not go far enough to remedy the current imbalance wherein BODs are largely captive to senior management. The triggers are too high and the response time is too long. The end result will be the status quo up to the point where companies are destroyed, which is no different than today's system. Instead the SEC should require a minimum representation of outside BOD candidates winnowed out through a "primary" process. The current BOD would be able to comment upon the qualifications of said candidates. Outside candidates are defined as parties having no beneficial connection with the company, it's current officers, its current BOD, or other entities with a substantial business relationship with the company. This does not require that a percentage of the BOD be elected from this group, but rather than such candidates be available in every BOD election. Give shareholders alternative choices please. Thank You, Carrell R. Killebrew, Jr.