S7-19-03:From: Wood, Christy [Christy_Wood@CalPERS.CA.GOV] Sent: Monday, December 08, 2003 11:49 AM To: 'rule-comments@sec.gov' Subject: S7-19-03: Memo to the SEC, As a staff member representing 1.3 million beneficiaries, I ask that you approve the Open Access Rule with the recommendations and modifications cited in CalPERS official written response. We applaud your courage in forging ahead with this rule. It is perhaps the most important rule the SEC has put forth for the investing public in decades. Thank you, Christianna Wood, CFA Senior Investment Officer, Global Equity California Public Employees' Retirement System Lincoln Plaza, 400 P Street, Suite 3492 Sacramento, CA 95814 Tele: 916-795-0209; Fax: 916-326-3330 Christy_Wood@calpers.ca.gov Assistant: Fawnda Gragg Tele: 916-558-4180 Fawnda_Gragg@calpers.ca.gov