Jonathan G. Katz, Secretary Securities and Exchange Commission 450 6th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. RE: File No. S7-16-98 This letter comments on the proposed amendment of Rule 102(e)(1)(ii) which authorizes the Commission to bar from practice before the Commission CPAs who engage in "improper professional conduct." As practitioners, my partners and I endorse the concept of barring from practice before the Commission those individuals who have demonstrated that they are unfit. However, the definition of "unfit" must be carefully crafted. The Commission's proposed amendment can too easily be construed to provide the severest sanctions against a practitioner for a simple negligent error. The AICPA's proposed definition of the term "substantial unfitness" protects the public interest, preserves the integrity of the Commission's processes, weeds out unfit practitioners, and yet is still not severely punitive to a CPA who just happened to have made an error or committed an act of simple negligence. I urge adoption of the AICPA's interpretation of Rule 102(e)(1)(ii). Very truly yours, Richard S. Levine Managing Partner GOLDENBERG ROSENTHAL FRIEDLANDER, LLP