From: Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 4:14 PM To: Subject: Executive Compensation Do you have it within your power to do something about the rampant abuse of executive compensation. I just reviewed some of the companies in our portfolio and can report the following: 1. Robert Stephans of Adaptec 1999 reported compensation $13,599,998. 2. David O"Reilly of Chevron, 2000 reported compensation $14,937,363. 3. John Chambers of Cisco, 2000 reported compensation $208,262,787. 4. Michael Capellas of Compac, 2000 reported compensation $44,293,707. 5. John Smith of General Motors reported 1999 compensation $40,803,279. 6. Craig Barrett of Intel 1999 reported compensation 9,700,957. 7. J.T. Battenberg of Delphi Automotive 1999 reported compensation $19,101,476. 8. William Monahan of Imation reported 1999 compensation 2,572,077. 9. John Dillon of International Paper reported 1999 compensation $13,910,412. 10.Kennedy Thompson of First Union reported 2000 compensation $19,175,163. 11.Douglas Warner of J.P. Morgan reported 1999 compensation 29,229,991. 12.Livio DeSimone of Minnesota Mining & Mfg. reported 1999 compensation $17,297,320. 13.Lee Raymond of ExxonMobil reported 1999 compensation $58,409,575. By any reasonable measure, most of these executives are pirating the nation's riches. What are you going to do about it? R.J. Lehman