S7-11-04:From: Mike Sheridan [Mhsheridan@FBMC-BENEFITS.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 8:53 AM To: 'rule-comments@sec.gov' Subject: S7-11-04: The proposed rule should not apply to mutual funds held in IRS qualified retirement accounts such as 401k if the funds were held by a qualified trustee such as a bank. Participants in these plans rarely trade their accounts but there are occasional instances where a participant may rebalance their holdings and then change their mind, possibly within the suggested five day period, and should not be subject to the redemption charge. While applauding the Commission's efforts to end market timing practices, it seems unfair to subject retirement plan investors to potential penalties and punish these non-abusers, in order to punish the real abusers. I hope that the proposed regulations will be modified to exempt participants in 401k plans whose funds are held by qualified Trustees. Michael H. Sheridan President, Vista Management Company NASD, Broker - Dealer