MessageFrom: Michelle Hoesly [] Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 9:18 AM To: Subject: File No. S7-11-04 Dear Mr. Katz, I would like to voice my strong opposal to the 2% mandatory redemption fee proposal for mutual funds. This is unnecessary and has the potential of causing more harm. It is my understanding that funds which have difficulty with short term trading, already have the option of instituting short term redemption fees. Many funds have not had problems with short term trading and this would require them to impose a possible hardship on fund holders. The fund holders most likely to get caught in the short term redemption fees are the small investor. Sophisticated investors will avoid these fees through other options, but the small investor will be more likely to be unaware of the fee, or will not think of the fee when doing systematic distributions or rebalancing. The problems of international fund arbitrage can currently be handled with current redemption fee options and eliminating stale pricing. Funds with low liquidity can also institute the short term redemption fees. Do not make this a requirement! Let the fund managers determine if there is a problem with short term trading in their fund and address their needs under the more than adequate current options. Michelle L Hoesly 1401 Duck Run Ct. Virginia Beach, Va. 23455