From: Mark Drury [] Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2004 4:39 PM To: Subject: Release No. IC-26375A; File No. S7-11-04 As an individual investor, I am apalled at the makeup of this proposition. The very companies who pillaged and profited from real insider trading in an illegal manner, are now attempting to influence the SEC at the expense of individual investors. I occasionally trade mutual funds in accounts for my wife and I. It's ludicrous to hold a fund which is losing money, regardless of what the experts say. It's more dangerous to hold individual securities. If the goal of the SEC is to protect investors, this proposal is obviously biased towards fund management. This same fund management were clearly identified as the cheaters in the mutual fund scandals of the past year. The media has confused fund management trading after close at the days NAV with individuals trading in and out of mutual funds. If this rule stands, the SEC has bowed to political pressure and it will be an even bigger finacial blow to individual investors. Fund expenses are already out of control. Free enterprise is the way this should work, not additional regulation. If the funds choose to establish trading rules, so be it. They don't need more regulation to limit individuals from participating in the commerce of the United States of America. Please rethink your plan. Thank you.