From: Sent: Monday, June 07, 2004 12:25 PM To: Subject: NMS (s7-10-04) Some thoughts 1. Without a trade through rule what would be the new criteria for best execution? 2. Dealer rebate (Payment for order flow) has been suggested, as it benefits the individual investor. This is not even remarkable and an insult to the intelligence of the Commission. 3. The 2 way auction market has been referred to as a maybe or not certain market. If specialists were required to stop any marketable order up to the size of the best prevailing bid or offer (when it is held up for price improvement) that would remove any uncertainty. 4. I cannot find any justification for any form of an OPT-OUT. This provision would destroy the integrity of our markets. 5. Trade through rules protect best price for the investor and give our nation the ability to compete economically in an increasingly global arena. 6. The removal of the trade through rule will result in fragmentation of our markets, abuse of the system and not accomplish the intended goal of competition. We are going through a time of new rules, designed to correct abuses, that have lead to unforeseen results. They have been costly, inhibiting and hurt our ability to attract foreign listings. There is nothing less at stake than our nations ability to maintain its presence as the global market of choice. 7. We need to foster competition in our markets that is driven by quality of execution. Speed and other components, that are being mentioned, are important to quality but become empty without the foundation of best price protection for investors. Thank you Michele Trevor