From: Mike Boyle [] Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2002 12:58 PM To: Subject: TechBooks Financial response to proposed rule, File No. S7-08-02 Dear Mr. Katz: Since our primary focus is as a supplier in the EDGAR chain, we will confine our comments to the technologies and processes involved with the proposal. The proposal repeatedly and convincingly makes the case for how much of a dramatic and positive impact the Internet has had on the dissemination of information, how it has “democratized” the global investing community and generally allowed for an unrestricted free flow of information. We could only concur with all of these points. However, a significant omission in the proposal is a lack of a definitive statement by the commission on the near-term and long-term status of EDGAR II. Will it be mandated? When will it be mandated? Will it be bypassed in favor of something else such as XML? It is not an unlikely scenario that a company would be in favor of the accelerated filing schedule based on its current document preparation infrastructure, yet could find themselves completely unprepared if an EDGAR II filing mandate comes down after acceptance of this proposal. Many Corporate and Investment Management companies, as well as EDGAR preparers and filing agents, are currently caught in an electronic no- mans-land between ASCII and HTML filings. Unwilling to move forward due to the unknown status of EDGAR II, yet unwilling or unable to devote more resources to what soon might be an obsolete system. It is our opinion that this issue goes hand-in-hand with that of the accelerated filing proposal and website access. Therefore, we would urge the commission to postpone this decision until it has clarified the future of electronic filing. Further, we would also ask that you provide a timeline for your stated plans to eliminate the 24-hour delay for filings posted to your website, thus providing real-time posting of disseminated filings. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this proposal. Sincerely, Michael J. Boyle Michael J. Boyle Director of Publishing Technologies TechBooks Financial 781-465-2000