Subject: S7-05-00 Date: 03/02/2000 9:53 AM Honorable SEC, In regards to the above stated file, I would like to comment that I feel HTML is possibly the proper response to simplifying the asci PDF dissemination of data. I have in the past downloaded available information using PDF. I have encountered problems with being able to immediately view the file downloaded even when having adobe already installed through Netscape. To view the file downloaded, the file required another installation of adobe to be outside of the plugin directory of Netscape. Basically neither Microsoft, nor Netscape browser would execute the files downloaded. This becomes bothersome as in this day and age people do like simplicity. In order to access the files, they required taking more time to download adobe. Mr. Donald Becker at NASA has made available much of his sideline work written in C programming language, to help with further development of needed drivers for communication links. I have found his work to be of extreme value. His work is available through simple HTML pages. All of the modern Browser's today have the ability to print the documents thus eliminating the need for another untimely download. Also a person if not wishing to print the document at that moment may choose to bookmark the page. I feel disseminating the information through HTML is a much better choice, and does simplify use. Bryce Sawin (Peterson's Tree Works) (Bnt Enterprises)