From: Ted Shrader
Sent: April 6, 2006
Subject: File No. S7-03-06

Securities and Exchange Commission

Dear Securities and Exchange Commission,

Securities and Exchange Commission action via its proposed rule on executive compensation disclosure represents a big step forward. In addition, the practice of issuing stock options needs to be done away with. Their can be no justification for this method of investor subsidization of a company. What is needed is a fair and appropriate sharinig of profit with its financiers, (its stock holding owners); not a milking of them as happens so often via granting of stock options which dilute the worth of their investments.
Thank you for taking an agressive, constructive stand.
Incidentally, when proper job descriptions are in place upon hiring executives, as they are with employees, the incentive for performance should be a promise of being replaced should those obligations not be met.

Thank you very much.

Sincerely, Ted Shrader 17025 via media, San Lorenzo, CA 94580


ted shrader
17025 via media
san lorenzo, California 94580