File No. S7-02-03 supplemental commentsFrom: Elliot Miller [] Sent: Friday, February 14, 2003 11:19 AM To: Subject: File No. S7-02-03 supplemental comments I am writing to supplement my comments of January 27, 2003 concerning Release 34-47137, dealing with a personal aspect of the proposed rules concerning the independence of audit committee members not encompassed in my prior comments.. For your convenience my original comments are set forth below. If the rule takes effect in the form proposed, I would appear to have three choices: I could resign my position as counsel to the law firm, I could resign as a member of the audit committee of the company involved, or I could ask the company to seek another law firm. As to the last, that would not appear to be in the company's best interest and, in any event, I have no way of compelling that result. That would leave me with the alternatives of resigning my of counsel role with the law firm and of resigning as a member of the audit committee. At this juncture it is not clear to me which alternative I would choose. However, if I chose to resign as of counsel to this law firm in order to remain a member of the audit committee of the company on whose Board I serve ( a choice I well might make) since I would no longer receive compensation from this law firm the stipend I receive as a director and commiittee member from the company involved would be a much more substantail portion of my personal income. The effect of this would render me more economically dependent upon--not more independent of-- the company on whose Board I serve. This is diametrically opposite to the result intended. For this reason, as well as for the reason set forth in my original comments I suggest that the test of independence be revised as described below. Very truly yours, Elliot Miller Elliot I. Miller Attorney Kleban & Samor, P.C. 2425 Post Road Southport, CT. 06490 *************************************************** NOTE: The information is this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not read, use or disseminate the information. Although this email and any attachments are believed to be free of any virus or other defect that might affect any computer system into which it is received and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus free and no responsibility is accepted by Kleban & Samor, P.C. for any loss or damage arising in any way from it use.