Subject: SR-NASD-9-42 Author: (Christopher K. Lee) at Internet Date: 7/21/96 1:54 PM SR-NASD-9-42 I would like to see the removal of pricing in terms of 1/8 ths and for low priced stocks in 1/16, 1/32 fractions. It seems to be an archaic pricing mechanism designed to benefit broker/dealer's profits through the spread. An order-driven system with time priority and with public access to limit orders on the book is highly desirable to improve transparency and to benefit liquidity for investors. It seems the proposed system still inures benefits to market makers that are unnecessary and against investors. The market microstructure should be free of as many inefficiencies as possible. Market makers should not be accorded preferential status against investors. Market makers and the investing public should be on a level playing field. Market makers will never be able to provide the buying power and liquidity the investing public provides. Thus, the use of artificial spreads to compensate market makers for providing liquidity is outdated and unnecessary. If a market maker desires to be a counter party to a transacation, the market maker should assume the same risks as a public investor. A trading system should facilitate the carrying out of transactions in an efficient way and not to provide benefits to market makers at the expense of public investors. The capital provided by market makers is no different than the capital provided by the investing public and thus should not be accorded any special benefits.