From: Sally Rodgers [] Sent: Monday, June 02, 2003 7:32 PM To: Subject: Proxy Rules Dear SEC: I am writing to applaud the SEC for considering how proxy rules should be changed to help protect investors more. I have money in a pension fund and therefore care about how US companies are managed. While this is a tricky business for me with a fund that I have only minimum knowledge of, I count on the board of this organization to be responsible and reliable. As an aging citizen, I would hope that the places where my money is invested will be responsible and honest in their business. I therefore appreciate the SEC reviewing the proxy rules to see how they can be improved to protect shareholders, and hope that they are amended to give shareholders a greater say in how directors are selected and in how companies are overseen. I would feel much happier if I thought that shareholders had some say in the operation of corporations, especially given recent history of CEOs and corporate fraud. I thank you for your attention to this issue. Sally Rodgers