Date: 12/17/1999 11:10 PM Subject: File No. S7-24-99 Dear Mr. Katz, I am writing to you to ask that you extend the rules that govern the major stock exchanges also be applied to, and enforced on the OTC stocks. The ability for certain people to short OTCBB shares that they don't own, and without the uptick requirement that is applied to individual investors, has cost me serious losses in my retirement funds. Since I am already retired I will in all likelihood not be able to regain any of the money that I believe I lost for the largest part because I had no idea that the securities laws do not apply to OTC stocks. I have learned a bitter lesson, but I urge you to take the necessary steps to protect other people from being harmed by unprincipled manipulators. I would also urge you to consider using the laws that govern racketeering (RICO) to prosecute individuals who gang together to fleece individual investors. So far it appears that the SEC is imposing only "slaps on the wrist" when scamsters are caught and convicted. I feel that it is overdue that the consequences for illegal activities deserve punishment so severe, that lawbreakers will not even attempt to engage in such activities. Please adopt a "Zero Tolerance" for SEC Rule breakers. Please give the above requests your sincere consideration. Sincerely yours, Ernest A Weiler 2539 Browncroft Blvd Rochester, NY, 14625 (716) 381 6996