Subject: Comments on File No. S7-24-99, Release number 34-42037 Date: 11/28/99 09:37 AM To Whom It may Concern: I want to add my voice to the many others insisting you bring order to the OTC market. You should extend the Short Sales rule to non-Exchange stocks. When a company has a small number of outstanding shares, and some brokerage firms can sell unlimited nonexistent shares, how can market order be established or maintained? It is unfair to the individual investor. Retail and the market makers should be on equal footing.I agree shorting is a good system. But only on borrowed shares, not naked sells. Please look into this matter, and make a level playing field for all INVESTORS.I am pleased to see the Security and Exchange Commission striving to obtain public opinion concerning short sales. Thank-you Edward L. Watkins,Jr