Author: "Sid Ragland" at Internet Date: 12/09/1999 9:28 AM Subject: Market Makers--Naked Shorting Gentlemen- How long does the SEC intend to allow the Market Makers to rape the investors, permitting the practice of "Naked Shorting". It seems to me that these people (MM's) are basically unregulated and accountable to NO ONE. What else would any rational person think--if they are allowed to manipulate a stock price (to their advantage) they will continue to do it???? Is this practice something that the SEC has been unaware of----OR----are you, for whatever reason, just unwilling, or unable, to respond to your fiduciary responsibility of protecting the American investor??? Thank you for your time (listening to my complaint) and consideration (I hope you will fulfill your responsibility and do something about this horrendous practice). Regards, Sid Ragland 2728 N.W. 27 Oklahoma City, OK 73107 (405)942-0319