Subject: MMs & OTCBB Author: Carolyn Munn Date: 09/21/2000 3:22 PM Definitely there need to be some changes in the control the MMs have over the OTCBB. Right now I am invested in a BB stock that has been manipulated and maligned by the MMs. It is over 100% below its true market value because of the huge advantages MMs have over the rest of the investors. Any time the stock starts to go up, the MMs take charge and make it go back down - even when good news has just come out. Yesterday, less than $200 of stock was traded at the very end of the day in order to post a price 18% below the day's high. I don't understand all the control that MMs have, but it's not right. Regarding trading on margin, they should have to cover their margin calls like everyone else. If you want a fair, vibrant OTCBB marketplace, something has to be done to even the playing field. Thanks for asking for input - C. Munn