From: [] Sent: Friday, July 26, 2002 9:26 AM To: Cc: pitth@sec.gob Subject: OTC short selling- MM manipulation To The Sec: I would like to offer my full support to the initiative of having Market Makers involved in the OTC:BB arena report the short positions they maintain in stocks they trade. I applaud the SEC for taking this action, and would encourage even more regulation of Market Maker conduct in the OTC:BB. Too many people and companies have been hurt by the out and out Economic Terrorism that has been perpetrated by allowing the manipulation of OTC stocks by market makers....if we yield to one manner of Economic Terrorism, we will indeed be vulnerable to all kinds, up to and including that of International Terrorism, be it on the part of the Al Quaeda, the Mafia or anything else. There is no reason the OTC:BB cannot be structured like a Nasdaq for micro-cap and development stage companies. A well lit, clean and transparent forum for trading stocks. Myself, my family, as well as friends have lost literally hundreds of thousands of dollars not only in manipulated equities, but 401k programs and resulting loss of employment as well. Much of this we attribute to MM criminal manipulation and short selling. Nobody seems to care what they do and the World is looking to you to rescue it from the collapse suffered thus far at the hands of corruption throughout the free market system. If this kind of graft and corruption is permitted to continue, we will no longer HAVE a free market system...perhaps it is already too late...perhaps not...the fate of the free market economy is up to can either restore investor faith and confidence in the credibility of the market or abandon it forever after to the control of the Terrorists. I hope you are willing to take up the gantlet, rescue the Maiden [the investing public] and become the hero you can be. Sincerely, Marnie Delano __________________________________________________________________ Your favorite stores, helpful shopping tools and great gift ideas. Experience the convenience of buying online with Shop@Netscape! Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Mail account today at