From: Ernest McLaughlin [] Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 8:19 PM To: Subject: OTCBB short position To The Sec: I'd like to offer my full support to the initiative of having Market Makers involved in the OTC:BB arena report the short positions they maintain in stocks they trade. I applaud the SEC for taking this action, and would encourage even more regulation of Market Maker conduct in the OTC:BB. Too many people and companies have been hurt by manipulation of OTC stocks by market makers. There is no reason the OTC:BB can't be just like a Nasdaq for micro-cap and development stage companies. A well lit, clean and transparent forum for trading stocks. I have spent a gtreat deal of time with time and sales reports etc trying to figure out the buy and sell ratio on my stocks. My conclusion is that it is impossible to know and appears that the MMs in OTC stocks routimely short aften times more shares than actually exist in the float. I would welcome honest reporting even if it proved me wrong. Ernie McLaughlin Salkum, WA _________________________________________________________________ Talk Stocks with Smart Investors -- Click Below for Brokerage Specials for Raging Bull Users