Date: 06/22/2000 11:13 AM Subject: File No. S7-24-99 comment I am an individual, small investor, so my comments may not be useful to you, but I feel that there are large numbers of investors like me who may not comment because they feel they will not be heard. In today's technologically advanced society, it is not placing much of a burden on market makers to disclose their short positions. It seems to me that if many of the same market makers are already doing this for the required markets, it would not be too difficult to simply expand their disclosures to OTCBB stocks also. Disclosing your true interests exists in every profession. The Nasdaq rules seem to work well for Nasdaq stocks, they should be implemented as soon as possible to protect the OTCBB stocks from the blatant corrupt manipulation that has been clearly documented. It is unfortunate that these businesses take advantage of the lack of rules -- instead of voluntarily establishing sound, fair business practices, they choose to use the lack of rules only for their financial gain at the expense of individual investors who only find out too late, after investing, that market makers have almost NO restrictions and may continue to manipulate the price of a stock no matter what the real market may bear, all while having access to all the bid/ask information to know exactly what the real market would be. It is unfair and unbelievable that these practices continue. They should willingly implement the Nasdaq rules on the OTCBB market themselves as soon as possible. If not, the SEC should definitely RUSH to force compliance. As more and more individual investors take charge of their own finances and stock purchases, it will become crucial to adopt fair, reasonable markets. It is unbelievable to me that this is not already a law. Thank you for allowing me this chance to comment. I sincerely hope that your agency will do everything in its power to assure ethical business practices for all. Thank you. Lynn McGeein 1600 Mallard Lane Virginia Beach, VA 23455