Author: "Mike Mattox" Date: 09/18/2000 9:22 AM Subject: File No. 57-24-99 My comments are in reference to the OTCBB. I think you have allowed a situation to exist that is allowing OTCBB Market Makers to rob the public....Legally. To my knowledge there is no place I can go and find the short position of a specific MM. To my knowledge MMs can short Naked an almost unlimited Number of shares with little danger of being forced to deliver. To my knowledge a single MM can sit on the ask price and hold down the price of a stock almost indefinitely by selling Naked shorts. The result of all of the above is almost totally price control of individual stocks. Dilution of a stocks value by huge numbers of short shares (most naked). No information to the public on short positions (And I suspect no way for the SEC to really know the true short in a company) Churning by MMs to further hide Short positions. PLEASE HELP.... MY SUGGESTION IS TO AT LEAST SUBJECT THE OTCBB TO THE SAME OR EVEN STRICTER RULES AS THE BIG BOARDS.