Date: 12/22/1999 12:36 PM Subject: File no. S7-24-99 I am sending this email to voice my support for the following issues: 1) We the Individual Investing public, want to have the shorting Rules that currently cover the Main Exchanges (the NASDAQ, NYSE, and the AMEX), Extended to the stocks and companies that trade on the OTCBB. and 2) We the Individual Investing Public, want to make sure that the Uptick rule is KEPT IN PLACE for our protection so as to avoid 'bear raids' and 'pile on' attacks by the shorts that would most assuredly occur, if this current protection is removed. As an owner of a OTCBB stock, numerous Nasdaq stocks and a few NYSE stocks, I have a strong vested interest in keeping all stocks on a level playing field. I have seen myself the effects the market makers can have on nasdaq issues. I have luckily been spared the abuse of naked shorters on my OTCBB stock, but that could change at any moment. Please help protect the american public, and eliminate these sources of fraud. Linda Lynch Pleasant Prairie, WI