Date: 06/25/2000 9:59 PM Subject: File No. S7-24-99 From the SEC rules: Short selling provides the market with two important benefits: market liquidity and pricing efficiency. HOGWASH!!!! Especially as it pertains to OTC BB securities. Fact: SEC is understaffed and overwhelmed in relation to regulating securities markets. Fact: Even with that hurdle the SEC does a excellent job of regulation. FACT: Sometimes when something is as plain as the nose on one's face, the SEC takes much too long in revising or creating a new law. I would like to publicly state that "naked short selling" of OTC BB securities should NOT BE ALLOWED!!!!!!!!!!!! The example of a security I am talking about is Tirex Corporation (TXMC). I will leave it up to your market surveillance analysts to review the 1) time & sales, 2) bid/ask, 3) order size, 4) total volume ask vs bid (especially) over the last three months to verify how the MM's have manipulated the price of TXMC to their own advantage at the expense of individual shareholders. In March of 2000, Tirex had a major pr announcing the viability of their tire recylcing technology. Based on a true market the price flucated fairly based on orders coming into various brokers, MM's. Later that month, a negative pr regarding a lawsuit reversed that trend and subsquently the price fell. Fair enough. However, on a continuous basis there have been NUMEROUS times the ask volume has outstripped the bid volume and the price has dropped. How so?? By a few active MM's lowering the ask and at times the bid / ask locking or even the bid being higher than the ask. Explain that to me? That is not market liquidity nor is it pricing efficiency. On the other hand, I have watch the time & sales while a 1000 sh ask & a 200 sh bid order go through with the price dropping. This is also not market liquidity nor pricing efficiency. I could give you dates but it would be easier for you to look at every day for the last three months. While somewhat related, I have put limit ask orders above the then current ask, insuring that I don't pay more than I want. What happens, the security trades at the current ask, I see my "lone" order go through at my LIMIT price and the ask then drops back to the previous current ask. The size was the same for all trades. I feel the Market Makers are not only taking advantage of sophistated investors who have diligently research a security such as Tirex and believe in the company but are more importantly are ripping investors off who do not have full knowledge of the market and have bought on advice of others. Yes, buyer beware but a more important saying is "don't bite the hand that feeds you" Someday the tables will turn > when this naked short rule is changed and when it is, then investors will be able to fairly trade securities and hopefully profit from it. An added benefit will be the unscrupulous BB companies that are not fully reporting and without legitimate products or services will also be exposed. (MM's will short those stocks - rightfully so, but investors will be fully informed.) If you don't agree with the above statements then let individual investors short sell bulletin board stocks. Because then I will short sell and wait for the MM to bring the price down in their usual ripoff mode and make some money. Only difference is, I would be more than willing to email all my friends & the SEC to let them know what I am going to do. Sincerely, Jerome T. Leon