Subject: File No. S7-24-99 Author: SLee at Internet Date: 05/19/2000 4:34 PM Comments of Anthony Broy, Jr., CEO, Hill, Thompson, Magid and Company, Inc., January 20, 2000. (File name: broy1.htm) Dear sir: I would like to follow up on the comments made by Anthony Broy, of Hill Thompson who claims that part of their job as Market Maker is to determine if a share is overvalued and then set the prices on such shares. This I would called price fixing and when have a market maker the right to become GOD? Why didn't he point out all the DOT COM companies whose shares value are have gone through the roof and why haven't they played GOD on those shares but on the OTCBB? The reason for these is because when shares are matched electronically, the chances of manipulation is less. Manual handling have caused MMs to abused and manipulate prices. The report recently produced by SEC about MMs breaking rules when reporting limit orders is but one example. Further 75 % of profits from Market makers come from trading shares. This should not be the case if their job is true market making. It should come from Fees. With the enormous information Market makers have from all the buying from the retail customers, they have the ability to use and abused the information and make a profit for themselves and that has been what is going on. It MUST be stop!!!! The problem with current rules is market makers short the hell out of a stock and cant get out, so what they do is play GOD by forcing prices to drop. They know that if they keep the prices low, investors will have no choice but sell after months of waiting and the stocks continued to fall despite very good news from the company the investors bought shares. The correct rule of SEC is to let the market determine the value of the shares. Naked Shorting should never be allowed!!! Thank you for listening