From: "smooth22" ["smooth22" at OPC] Sent: Monday, January 15, 2001 10:15 PM Subject: MM shorting on PCBM Hi how are you doing. my stock that I own PCBM, currently on the pink sheets. MM's have a huge short on PCBM, millions of shares. estimated between 50-100mil shares shorted. How can PCBM investors make the MM's accountable for there shorted shares? Is there a way I can find out exactly how many shares the MM's are shorting PCBM? Right now we are in the process of a sharecount held by PCBM shareholders so numbers aren't exact yet. What kind of action can us PCBM investors take? Here is a link below of our current sharecount. we have exceeded the o/s already. something is majority wrong here. best of my knowledge. outstanding shares = 184.4m float = 70mil Steven Kusewicz 3517 Esch Warren Mi 48091