Author: "george Kragle" at Internet Date: 12/14/1999 5:49 PM Subject: File No. S7-24-99 It is time NOW to lift the OTCBB market up from the abuses and manipulations of short selling. Too many of America's small companies must suffer the constant effects of MM's using their stocks as part of a dishonest game for their profit, to the detriment of these growing companies and investors. Has the SEC forgotten that it is these companies that will grow into larger entities that will continue to make the United States an economic leader? I feel the failure of the Commission to regulate the OTCBB shows a disregard for this knowledge and a disregard for your own mandates. Has the SEC forgotten that their function is to help bring a measure of integrity and honesty to the marketing of securities? If the Commission has not forgotten, how then can you ignore the OTCBB? Failure to address the manipulation of short selling within the OTCBB will continue to hurt American companies and investors and this must be ended. The OTCBB is NOT a third world country stock market. It is a market within the UNITED STATES and should be treated as such. I support S7-24-99. It must be passed as soon as possible. Not debated and studied (the information you need is already present). By leaving "UPTICK RULES" in place and preventing naked short selling, the OTCBB can become a very real arena for small companies to grow and add to the strength of the country.