Date: 06/29/2000 2:05 PM Subject: S7-24-99 (I believe html format used) As an Associate Member of The New Zealand Stock Exchange I am amazed at the apparent reluctance to stop the manipulation of OTCBB stocks by the MMs. This shorting goes against the code of Ethics of most Sharebrokers and other financial mangers around the world. In this day and age with such a fantastic ability for the average Mum and Dad investor to become actively involved in stocks, the blatant manipulation shown on the OTC board is bound to cause those funds to be tied up in unproductive areas, due to the perceived high risk involved. The OTCBB provides a fantastic opportunity for investors to get in on a ground floor level of some great companies, which could provide the next millionaires of the future. As an associate member of the New Zealand Stock Exchange, I am disappointed time and time again, when I hear people saying that the OTCBB is still the "Wild West" of the US, and advise against investing in it. Although I do not speak for either my company or the New Zealand Stock Exchange I'm sure that many of the members of both would like to see some action taken to fix this problem. The small investors of this world do not have the power to change things in this matter, but the SEC does. I thank you in advance for the opportunity to express these feelings, and look forward to seeing what action is taken. Regards Carl W Jones