Date: 06/21/2000 8:03 AM Subject: proposed rule changes concerning shorting otcbb stocks Please extend the rules concerning NASDAQ listed stocks to include OTCBB stocks. The lack of regulation in the otcbb market leads to abuses and illegal manipulation by market makers on a daily basis. If you don't believe this, then why do you have the rules protecting the listed stocks? Just because a company is young or small do they deserve to be abused? Because an investor iinvests in a small company do they deserve to be ripped off corupt, unethical, greedy market makers? The bullitin board will always be closely related to NASDAQ even though it is not officially a part of it. Untill rules governing NASDAQ include the BB, NASDAQ will never gain the credability that the big board has because of the unethical manipulation of market makers. Ryland W. Hobson