Subject: proposal # S7-24-99 Author: James at Internet Date: 12/07/1999 3:45 PM dear sec I am writing in regards to the proposed law concerning the short selling of otc-bb. this naked short selling of otc-bb stocks should be eliminated. One of the main reasons "penny" stocks are so volatile is because of the rampant naked shorting by MM`s and off shore brokers and not necesarily the companys. this out of control chaos goes on every day UNCHECKED every day. this unregulated shorting is a weapon to sqweeze us investors out by unscuplious manipulators and shorters. the abolination of naked shorting in conjuction with the requirements of being fully reporting will insure a more fair and equitable market for investors and companys alike, a market where a company`s true value is reflected in the price and not distorted by manipulation. sincerely james hoag