Subject: Comment on file number S7-24-99 and the regulation of short Author: "GEORGE HALL" at Internet Date: 12/05/1999 7:45 PM Hello, I appreciate the opportunity to comment on proposed rule changes regarding the OTC market. I Have not been investing in stocks very long, however I see shorting stocks to be a big problem for OTC:BB stocks. With reguard to file number S7-24-99 and the regulation of short sales of securities, I strongly urge you to adopt regulation to eliminate short sales or at least control them. Borrowing stock that belongs to another person with out compensation is wrong, and hurts the value of stocks. The MM's for NASDAQ can't short sell. Why can the MM's for OTCBB stocks be allowed to? You allow Market makers and Off shore entities to sell things they do not even own "borrowing" and in some cases that do not even exist. They simple 'rob Peter to pay Paul' as the saying goes. Why should they be allowed to continue this activity? The MM's know the OTCBB market is not followed very closely by the SEC. If you put a group of people, in any kind of business, in a position to make money any way they can, they will take it. Right now, the MM's know they can get away with this, and they are doing so. The only reason it is not illegal, is because it is not yet a rule. The MM's know this, so they will abuse this short selling procedure until they are forced to change. My opinion is that any type of shorting is wrong and hurts the investor as he is unable to protect him/herself from this kind of activity. Please exercise your options to impose honesty, fairness and a level playing ground on all markets. I know you are trying hard to clean up the OTCBB market. Someone has got to stop the MM's from playing the games they play. We have no one else to turn to but the SEC. I know you people are understaffed and overworked, but this is a great proposal, long overdue. Thanks George Hall