Date: 12/08/1999 1:16 PM Subject: File# S7-24-99 Mr J G Katz: Concerning the proposed changes in the shorting and uptick rules I would have to say I will be very glad to see these happen asw proposed. I am not new to investing but since I've been following some of my stocks on Raging Bull's message board I have been greatly agravated and frustrated by the manipulation of growing, good, companies to the point of destruction by greedy market shorters. Under the present situation I don't see how a new company listed on the otcbb can stand a chance. I believe the purpose of we investors giving our hard earned money to these new companies that we've researched, is to partnership with them in our common hope of seeing financial success for all investors and the company alike. These shorters descend on company and tear at them to the point of exhaustion. What new company has the guts to not only swim upstream against the currents that all great companies must, but also be picked to death at every resting place along the way? I could go on for hours likening these self centered; self gratifying; self absorbed; self seeking; greedy, vulchers to all the worst forms of diseased life on the planet but that helps only to show my feelings towards people that abuse freedoms or "cracks" in the law to ROB others of their earnings and labors. I'm 55 years old and am trying to prepare for the future. Unlike the shorters, I don't have all day to scan the marketplace for the latest events or as far as many shorters go, for weaknesses, or patterns of buying/selling that they can exploit to the loss of companies and their stockholders. They have been frustrating not only new investors, who go "screaming" from the market while they still have their shoes, but also the would be innovators of our future. The internet has blown the doors off the stock market. It is now so easy to move around that the wolves are selling condos to the chickens who they will later sell to KFC. I have experienced what I believe have been viscious "bear raids" on a particular stock that I not only have my future tied into but my brother followed me into. I believe that the same rules at least, MUST apply to the OTCBB as do the major NYSE, NASDAQ AND AMEX boards as soon as possible. Thank you for this opportunity to speak. Robert K Fries