Author: "Martin E. Frankel" at Internet Date: 12/15/1999 11:58 AM Subject: File no. S7-24-99 I was delighted to see and read the proposed new SEC ruling regarding banning naked shorting of OTCBB stocks. (1) There is no logical or sound reason why investors in OTCBB stocks should not have the same protection as those that invest in companies listed on the Nasdaq or other major exchanges. Investing in OTCBB stocks is speculative to begin with. At the very least the playing field should be leveled so that market maker traders and offshore investors cannot blatantly naked short the shares of these companies and not only hurt the public investor, but also, in some instances, destroy a start-up company. (2) Regarding the "uptick rule", I strongly believe this should be maintained as it is on every other exchange. To do otherwise would open the door to "bear raids"... again hurting the common public investor while benefiting the "gameplayers". There is far too much of this going on and it is time for it to be stopped. Thank your for your attention to this matter. I can assure you that my sentiments are echoed by 99.99% of the public investors who do appreciate the efforts of the SEC to protect them against unfair practices. Sincerely yours, Dr. Martin E. Frankel