Author: "Gregory Emmerling" Date: 06/20/2000 9:35 AM Subject: Naked shorting should be outlawed Dear SEC: Please stop this terrible OTC rule before many investors including myself will have to declare bankruptcy. An example of the illegal activities of the OTC market makers can be seen in Gamecom stock ticker GAMZ. The company announce unexpected awesome news that they increased the value of their company by 15 Million dollars with a great equity line financing deal the stock should have increased it's value or at least held it was about .90 at the time. The MM's immediately dropped the bid .30 and in effect halted trading. They then starting their usual walk down to cover their naked short positions. The stock is now trading at .31 it lost almost all of its value in weeks. It is my opinion that the market makers should get the death penalty for what they have done to individual investors. Please take care of this problem as soon as possible. Thanks, Greg