Subject: File No. S7-24-99 Release No.34-42037 Date: 09/22/2000 2:59 AM Dear Sec, I'm an indivdual investor trading OTC:BB stocks. We need your help in stopping the Market Maker manipulations and games. They appear to making markets alright, for themselves, from my perspective. One stock in particular I'm involved in PCBM, I'm completely astonished at the vigorous price controls and beligerent manipulation, in my opinion, of this OTC:BB stock. I think, if you'll investigate for yourself and do a litte due-dilligence you will effectively come to the same conclusion. I'm just an average citizen, middle income investor, trying to make the market work, but when the playing field is not level and the market makers are artificially manipulating and holding down stocks it is very difficult. Naturally, this is all just my opinion. This is where I need your help. You have been divinely placed in a position of authority to confirm or deny these allegations and accusations and uphold the honor and trust the American people have placed at your discretion. Please allow me to state for the record, I'm of the opinion we need more effective guideline's and regulation's of the short selling on NASD for the OTC:BB stock's. And I fully support your effort's and commend you for having the wherewithal to understand these artificial manipulations and price controls must stop. Thanks in advance for all the good work you do. Sincerely, Michael A. Camfield