Author: William Brownlee at Internet Date: 12/14/1999 5:20 PM Subject: shameful shorting by the otcbb market makers Dear Sir, There is such an injustice being carried out on the OCT.BB that if these same injustices were permitted on the big stocks, the uproar and lawsuits would be spectacular!!!! I' m referring about the low-down naked shorting by the OCTBB market makers. I very strongly urge the SEC to extend regulation of market makers shorting activities to the OCT:BB, so that stocks will be traded correctly, fairly, and not have the MM's working against the share holder. It is difficult enough for the small trader to succeed after countless hours of DD only to see his work and money thrown down the drain by these unscrupulous people. Thank you so much for allowing me to voice my opinion . William L. Brownlee Wadmalaw Island, S.C.