Subject: FILE No. S7-24-99 Date: 11/14/99 9:53 PM This is my comment regarding the proposed disallowing of short-selling of Nasdaq BB, Pink Sheet, and Small Cap stocks. I do believe that there must be checks put in place to prevent the downward-reinforced spiral that occurs regularly when speculators "gang up" on a perfectly good company, whose only fault may be a lack of capitalization that would enable it to succeed to the NMS listings. I have witnessed this personally, and there surely are many almost undocumented companies that go under due to inability to raise capital. These are usually the highly entrepeneurial, budding small companies with great ideas and products, but get thrown to the sharks in the financial markets. Remember that there are real people involved in these companies; most end up unemployed or destitute through no fault of their own. I do hope you seriously consider this in your decision. -- TIM M. BELLA