Subject: File No. S7-24-99 Author: "Shawn Batchelder" at Internet Date: 11/24/99 10:22 AM Hi, I know you are busy and will make this short. I'm sure you are aware of how Market Makers manipulate stocks In the OTC arena. I've tried placing limit and market orders for SHCC. I haven't able to get a fill. I'm in touch with other investors who are fed-up with this blatant manipulation. We have done our homework and conclude that the MMs are short and do not wish to sell anymore shares they do not have. They have surpressed the price on this security and are controlling the market for SHCC. Why is the SEC putting so much time and energy on internet stock scams, when the Market Makers are "stealing" more money from investors by naked shorting and other forms of manipulation? Why all the attention about Day Traders and how they need to be protected from losing their money? Why all the hoopla about OTC stocks meeting teh new SEC filing requirements? I'm sure investors in this country have lost many Billions of dollars to the Market makers, who use what seem to be criminal tactics to control the price. I know this isn't the first complaint regarding how "corrupt" and "crooked" OTC Market makers are. Please do your best and please note I favor laws/ruling that will regulate these "crooks". Having them regulate themselves is like having the Fox watch the Hen house. I know the name of the game here and it's all about Money! The MMs have the money and power to keep things status qoa. The SEC needs to stop turning their head when it comes to dealing with Market Makers. The money lost to Internet stock scams is a drop in the bucket compared to the money that is being "sucked" from investors through Naked Shorting and other "shady" dealing the Market Makers use. Thank you for your time, Shawn A. Batchelder Watertown, SD