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U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

SEC's Jacob Stillman Earns Prestigious Award for Outstanding Government Attorneys


Washington, D.C., July 2, 2008 — The Securities and Exchange Commission announced today that Jacob H. Stillman, the SEC's Solicitor, has been selected to receive the Federal Bar Association's 48th Annual Justice Tom C. Clark Award for Outstanding Government Attorney.

Mr. Stillman joined the SEC in 1962 as a staff attorney in the Office of the General Counsel. He has since held various positions of increasing responsibility in that office. As Solicitor, a position that he has held since 1999, Mr. Stillman supervises the Commission's appellate litigation staff. Among his other responsibilities, Mr. Stillman represents the Commission in cases heard before courts of appeals and (in conjunction with the Solicitor General) before the U.S. Supreme Court.

"Jake is truly deserving of this prestigious award. Just as he has endowed the SEC with his wisdom and expertise for so many years, now he is burnishing its reputation through his own achievements and the exceptional recognition that he has earned," said SEC Chairman Christopher Cox. "For nearly half a century, Jake has served the American people with great distinction — as a skilled advocate in the courts, a valued advisor to the Commission, and a leading contributor to the development of the federal securities laws. I am pleased to join my fellow Commissioners and all of the SEC staff in congratulating him for this outstanding honor."

Brian Cartwright, the SEC's General Counsel, added, "Jake Stillman is a living legend among securities lawyers, both inside and outside the Commission. His expertise and experience are unparalleled. Those of us who work beside Jake feel honored and humbled to be able to do so. No one could more truly deserve this high honor."

Before joining the SEC staff, Mr. Stillman clerked for Judge Harry E. Kalodner of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, and served as an officer in the Judge Advocate General's Corps of the U.S. Army. Mr. Stillman graduated cum laude from Harvard Law School in 1958.

The Justice Tom C. Clark Award recognizes the outstanding accomplishments by lawyers during their service in the federal government or District of Columbia government. The award bears the name of Justice Tom C. Clark, a former Federal Bar Association president and government attorney who served as U.S. Attorney General and later as a Supreme Court justice.

Mr. Stillman joins four former SEC lawyers who also have received the Justice Tom C. Clark Award: Philip A. Loomis, Jr., Paul Gonson, William R. McLucas, and Stanley Sporkin.

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Modified: 07/02/2008