FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 2000-65 Chairman Arthur Levitt Praises Investment Counsel Association of America On Best Practices Addressing Pay-To-Play Abuses Washington, DC, May 16, 2000 -- Securities and Exhange Commission Chairman Arthur Levitt today praised the Investment Counsel Association of America (ICAA) for developing best practices to address pay-to-play abuses in the investment advisory industry. The best practices were released in a report issued today. "Pay-to-play" in the advisory industry refers to the practice of making political contributions to obtain government contracts to manage public funds. Chairman Levitt said, "The report and the recommendations are important steps toward preventing pay-to-play abuses in the investment advisory industry and indicate that the industry is serious about addressing those problems. I commend the ICAA on this important initiative. Working together, the SEC and the advisory industry can help eliminate the abusive practices that undermine the integrity of the investment adviser selection process. The ICAA's report gives us a number of recommendations to consider as we craft a final rule to eliminate pay-to-play abuses in the industry." The ICAA report was issued in response to the Commission's proposed rule addressing pay-to-play abuses in the advisory industry. The SEC proposed its rule after the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board adopted Rule G-37 to address pay-to- play in the municipal finance industry. # # #