FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 2000-147 Wayne Carlin Named Director of the Northeast Regional Office Washington, DC, October 2, 2000 -- Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Arthur Levitt today named Wayne M. Carlin Regional Director of the Commission's Northeast Region. As Regional Director, Mr. Carlin will oversee enforcement and regulatory activities throughout 13 states and the District of Columbia. Mr. Carlin, currently Senior Associate Regional Director in the SEC's Northeast Region, succeeds Carmen Lawrence, who recently left the Commission to enter private practice. He will begin his new duties immediately. SEC Chairman Arthur Levitt said, "The directorship of the Northeast Regional Office is a critical position. Wayne's superb legal skills, proven management abilities, and even-handed temperament make him well-suited for this challenge. I look forward to working with him and believe he will be a great success. I also thank Ed Nordlinger for his service as Acting Regional Director." SEC Enforcement Director Richard H. Walker stated, "Wayne brings to this job a long record of accomplishment - both at the Commission and in the private sector. Since his first days at the Commission, his outstanding judgment, keen intellect, and passion for the job have impressed and inspired everyone with whom he's worked. His knowledge of the securities markets and federal securities laws is exceptional. I am certain that the Northeast Regional Office will continue to flourish with Wayne at the helm." Mr. Carlin first joined the Commission's staff in 1993 as a staff attorney in the Northeast Regional Office. He left the Commission in 1997 as an Assistant Regional Director and joined Lazard Freres & Co. as Vice President and Head of Regulatory Affairs. Mr. Carlin rejoined the Commission in September 1999 as an Associate Regional Director. In this capacity, Mr. Carlin oversaw the Commission's microcap fraud investigation that led to five enforcement actions against 63 defendants and respondents announced in June 2000 in coordination with criminal charges against 120 defendants. He also supervised SEC v. Frankel, SEC v. Steve Madden and numerous other cases in areas such as unregistered offering frauds, internet-related frauds, insider trading, and investment adviser fraud. In his earlier Commission career, Wayne had principal responsibility for: cases arising from an FBI undercover operation that ensnared stock promoters who paid kickbacks to brokers to induce them to sell the stock to their customers; an egregious soft dollar case against Tandem Asset Management and several of its principals, which culminated in the first criminal prosecution of soft dollar abuses; and the Commission's action against Askin Capital Management, in which the Commission charged an investment adviser with defrauding its clients by disseminating false and misleading performance information related to investments in mortgage derivative securities. Prior to joining the Commission, Mr. Carlin was first an associate with the law firm of Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz and then was a partner in the litigation group at Testa, Hurwitz & Thibeault. Mr. Carlin, 41, earned his A.B. magna cum laude from Harvard College in 1981 and his J.D. from Harvard Law School in 1984 where he was an editor of the Harvard Law Review. # # #