News Story Supplement:
SEC/CFTC Agreement - Errata (09/26/2000)

Page 120, Line 18

Insert after ''products.'' the following:

''The Commission may not require such rules to contain equal minimum increments in such decimal pricing.''

Page 103

Strike lines 1-6 and insert the following:

''(d) in which the lowest weighted component securities comprising, in the aggregate, 25% of the index's weighting have an aggregate dollar value of average daily trading volume of less than $50 million (or in the case of an index with 15 or more component securities, $30 million). If there are two or more securities with equal weighting that could be included in the calculation of the lowest weighted component securities comprising, in the aggregate, 25% of the index's weighting, such securities shall be ranked from lowest to highest dollar value of average daily trading volume and shall be included in the calculation based on their ranking starting with the lowest ranked security."

Last modified: 9/26/2000